

Multiple Sclerosis CCSVI

My balance came back, the numbness went away and I could use my hands again.

Dr. Moguel,  Hello.  I wish we lived closer to you because I would love to sit down with you and talk to you and ask some questions, but since we so are so far away, I thought I would email you.  It was a year ago this month that I came to see you to have

September 10, 2011

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CCSVI repair.

Dear Dr. Moquel, Roseanna Gullekson delivered their 8 pound 7 ounce baby girl today. The baby’s weight surprised everyone as she was only being fed by 2 arteries rather than the normal 3. The baby was induced and the birth went wonderfully well (only 6 hours) after her mom’s initial anxiety attack. We thank God

July 27, 2011

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Wanda just sent me this nice picture of you and I, post venoplasty. I think all that PINK colouring in my skin is that great blood flow!  🙂 Feeling better today – more restful sleeps, improved balance and energy. Can’t wait now to see what each new day brings! Wendy Smith

June 14, 2011

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I am living a ‘normal’ life again and it is because of ‘Mo’Flow In Cabo’.

Beth Wock Estevan, Saskatchewan I thank Dr. Moguel, Andres and the whole team for what they did for me. I am living a ‘normal’ life again and it is because of ‘Mo’Flow In Cabo’ p.s. good job on the video Anres!

May 26, 2011

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She says it’s her miracle!

Hello Dr. Moguel,   We are continually telling our family and friends about the friendly and expert care we received at your Clinic. Many people have called us to ask about our experience and the information about CCSVI and angioplasty. We have nothing but good to say about you and your team. Evelyn says â€śThank you” so

May 25, 2011

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They will just be asking me questions about the procedure Dr. Moguel successfully performed on me.

Greetings from the Russian Mob in Canada!Also thought I’d let you know I’ve been asked to participate in the clinical trials here in Saskatchewan for the Liberation surgery. They will just be asking me questions about the procedure Dr. Moguel successfully performed on me. Happy to report everything is still going well for me now 9 months

April 19, 2011

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