We are eternally grateful.

Dear Dr. Moguel

On Monday 4/23/2018,  while having brunch with my wife Shannon Noah & a good friend, I began to experience strange feelings and discomfort in my chest and arms.  I went pale and had a cold sweat.  My wife & friend urged me to go to a hospital.  I was taken to Costamed where I entered through emergency and was taken to a room where I was first introduced to you.  You confidently assumed control of my treatment and after some lab work and evaluation,  which initially indicated that I was not having a heart attack ( and which at this point most doctors would have sent the patient home. )  As you were not quite convinced  of this.  You recommended a CTScan and an overnight stay for observation as you thought it dangerous for me to walk around in this condition.  The CT Scan showed  major blockage in the left Marginal Obtuse artery  and you  wasted no time in determining a heart catheterization with a possible stint placement was necessary to remove the blockage and restore necessary blood flow.

After completion of the stint placement you then continued with your more complete holistic treatment. Educating me on a condition know as Metabolic Syndrome. You recommended dietary changes and adjusted my medications to help ensure a long term improvement of my cardiovascular health.

Dr. Moguel , my wife Shannon and I want you to know that we fully believe your expertise, attention to detail, and general concern for my well being turned this unfortunate situation into a positive future for us.

It is my  belief  that if this situation had occurred in the United States  with the philosophy of U S. doctors to prescribe medications  to treat  symptoms rather than a more holistic approach to treating  the core problem,the blockage would have gone undetected thus untreated placing me in grave danger to futher cardiac episodes.

We are eternally grateful to you and the staff at Costamed Hospital for the treatment that we were given.

We would highly recommend you Dr. Moguel to our family and friends if ever a need would arise for your services.  You are a great doctor.

Thank you again.


William & Shannon Noah

Date: May 1, 2018