I’m very pleased to give you my sincere thanks for the excellent job you did.

Dear Dr. Moguel:  I’m very pleased to give you my sincere thanks for the excellent job you did in analyzing what my wife’s problem was when we were put off the ship in Cozumel.  Her cardiologist in my home city had been dealing with her lack of energy and quick way she became tired for over three years, to no avail.  Her analysis was that she was “out of shape” and needed to exercise more!  While we did not like being put off the ship in Cozumel, it must have been the good Lord’s doing because you in less than a day, analyzed what was wrong with her and put us on the right track to get it corrected.  It turned out that she had a leaking Mitral Valve  in her heart, which explained why her lungs were so full of fluid.  Using a new procedure, which took almost four months for Medicare to approve, the valve was repaired without the need for open heart surgery.  The local doctor in Bradenton determined that she was too weak to undergo open heart surgery, so they did it by going in through a vein in her leg!  The only problem that remains is that she is now on oxygen 24/7 because her lungs are not putting enough oxygen into her blood.  But she is alive, which I can attribute in large part, to your initial handling in Cozumel.  Thank you again for your excellent service and accurate analysis!!!

Mel Ott for Mary Lou Ott

Date: May 1, 2018